
What Will I Have To Pay For The Attorneys Services

Many times when you hire an attorney to assist in a residential real estate transaction, you can retain their services for a flat fee. On more complex transactions, an attorney may charge you an hourly rate.

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How Do I Choose An Attorney

It’s important to review an attorney’s experience and qualifications in the area which you’re intending to hire them. For instance, if you’re looking for a residential real estate attorney, have they been involved in a lot of real estate deals? What experience do they have with real estate litigation? It’s also a good idea to have someone you’re compatible with personality wise. The attorney-client relationship is very important, and attorney and client must trust each other to come up with the best outcome.

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Are There Different Types Of Deeds And Why Should I Care

Absolutely. In Florida, there’s three different types of deeds. There’s a general warranty deed, a special warranty deed, and a quick claim deed. You use each deed in different circumstances, and it’s important to consult with a real estate attorney to know what type of deed is perfect for your situation.

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