Commercial Real Estate

What Are Cam Charges

CAM charges, or common area maintenance charges, are typically part of a retail or a strip center lease. They cover the landlord’s parking lot maintenance, maintenance of the overall grounds. Typically, as the tenant, you’ll pay your pro rata or percentage share based on the amount of space you occupy versus the space in the total project.

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What Are Closing Costs

Every real estate transaction has closing costs. Those are costs, fees, taxes that are in addition to the sales price. A licensed Florida attorney can advise you on whether or not you’re paying the proper closing costs or whether the other party’s trying to shift some traditional closing costs onto you.

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What Are Contingencies

Contingencies are parts of a contract. Lawyers often refer to them as conditions proceeding, which are things that must occur for the closing to move forward. For instance, the buyer may have an inspection contingency and may have a certain number of days to inspect the property or they don’t like the inspection results and may be able to back out of the contract. Another common contingency is the financing contingency where the buyer has a certain amount of time to obtain financing or they don’t have to follow through and close on the deal. It’s important to consult with an experienced attorney that can tell you, as the seller or the buyer, what contingencies are necessary or which contingencies may not be in your favor that you want to negotiate out of the contract.

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What Are My Remedies For A Breach Of Contract

If a party breaches a contract, the remedies available to the other party depend on what’s in the contract and whether the contract excludes specific remedies that would be typically available under the law. The most common remedy would be money damages to make the person whole again in the event of a breach of the contract, but also specific performance. That’s when you ask the court to make the seller perform the deal and there are a variety of other remedies, depending on the situation.

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What Are Some Common Risks Involved In A Commercial Real Estate Deal

When purchasing commercial real estate, some common areas of problems can be inspections and environmental problems. Also, you want to make sure you meet all your deadlines in the contract for financing. Those are just some of the areas where you can run into trouble and why it’s important to contact an experienced commercial real estate attorney.

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How Long Should I Sign A Commercial Property Lease For

How long your lease is is greatly determined by your individual situation. There are benefits to signing a long-term lease, including a reduced rent and not having to move in the future, but you also must consider whether or not your business is going to outgrow its space. It’s important to consult with an experienced Florida attorney that can help you determine whether a short-term or a long-term lease are in your company’s best interests.

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I Am Leasing A Space For A New Business Where Do I Start

It’s important to start with talking to a licensed, experienced commercial real estate attorney and also an experienced commercial real estate agent. It’s important to assess what type of space you need, how much space you need, and what part of town you need it in. An agent and an attorney working together can represent your best interests and help you on a smooth transition in your new business.

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I Want To Transfer Property To A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Do I Need To Pay Documentary Stamp Taxes On The Deed

It depends. If you’re transferring the property to wholly owned subsidiary and literally nothing is changing in terms of the beneficial interest of the property, meaning you will still be the person that owns it after the transfer, then there is likely an exemption that you do not have to pay the documentary stamp tax on the deed.

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If I Am Buying Commercial Real Property Do I Need An Environmental Site Assessment

It is very important to consider an environmental site assessment when you’re purchasing commercial real estate. There are many things to take into account including what the property has been used for in the past. If you’re obtaining financing, likely, the bank will require you to at least do a phase one environmental study to determine if there are any issues or anything that needs to be explored further.

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Do I Need To Read All Of The Documents At Closing

It’s a good idea to have an experienced Florida real estate attorney review your documents prior to the closing. That way if you have any questions about what a document means or whether interest rates or closing costs are correct, those items can be addressed in advance by your attorney, so on the day of closing everything can go smoothly.

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